Pet Therapy
My new fur baby is growing up to be a big boy. Just like the kids, he does not come when called. Again just like the kids, he is motivated by food. I compared pics from our first day together to around day 21. He looks so mature now. He only has a month or so left before the troublesome adolescent phase. But since he's had the big snip, I am not so worried about that.
So to the point, I do feel like Tiger is here for a bit of Tiki therapy. Before Tiger, I had gotten to the point where laying around was my favorite hobby. I mean really, Wi-Fi has been the death of my motivation. You no longer have to plan when you use the internet or coordinate with others. You don't even flip a switch.
My therapy is simple. I get up on time so that Tiger can eat and get his exercise before I leave in the morning. If I have a meeting or kiddie function, we go for a quick walk before I head out again. And I stay up a little later so that he can go out one more time before bedtime.
I'll admit, Tiger is also making me think more about the world around me. Every time that I see a brindle coated canine I wonder if he or she could be related to him. I even went so far as to imagine that a Pitbull mix and small brindle terrier dog who live next to each other got busy and made my puppy.
I know that pets aren't for everyone, but I highly recommend an animal companion. If you need a little arm twisting, here are five pluses (aside from getting out of bed and environmental reflection) that come with four-legged friends:
Up Your Daily Steps--Having a puppy is, simply put, a source of exercise. Between housebreaking, daily walks, and searching for him in household crevices, I am definitely getting my steps in. I did a little google map estimate and our daily walks are about 0.8 miles. Doing that two to three times per day has definitely gotta be good for the waistline.
Avoid Vitamin D Deficiency--I love a little fresh air. Spending more time outside with Tiger means that some regular indoor activities have been pushed to the patio. My morning coffee, afternoon lounge, and evening cocktail happen in the great out of doors as often as possible. He gets to burn off steam, I get a little extra sun, and we all go inside a little happier and a little healthier.
Less AM Fuss From The Kids--Early mornings with just me and my teenage girls was filled with pouting faces, snippish comments, and leaving for school in slow motion. Now when we rise in the morning, our efforts include making sure to spend some quality time with our pet before we leave. Our trip from the house to the car includes smiles, dog kisses, and wishes for a great day.
Portion Control Becomes Important--Let's face it, we all worry about whether or not we are eating right. Enter the new addition and I am reading labels like crazy. Choosing foods that are good for skin, teeth, intestinal health and more. I am measuring portions to be sure that I am not under or over feeding my pup and using low cal training treats. If I can do that for my pet, I can do it for myself.
- Your Germ Phobia May Be Diminished--Let's just say that pets make a lot of mess. First and foremost, poops must be picked up and properly disposed of. Second, kisses are often wet, smelly, and filled with residue from a cold dark place. Third, my dog licks any and everything including fingers and toes. Soap and hand sanitizer can only do so much.
Having Tiger around has been great! Let's see how things go over the next month or so. Hopefully, he doesn't outgrow his kennel.