Hip-Hop Meets Little Einstein
Out of the mouths of babes comes the truth. If you have a kiddo that is frequently in your personal space, please know that you have no secrets and no doors on your closet (to keep the skeletons in).
While at a family friendly function, I passed by a group of cutie pies who ranged in ages from four to maybe seven. They wore color coordinated outfits, hair bows and had cutely polished fingers and toes. They were sitting in cute little folding chairs with iPads in their laps using educational apps and quizzing each other to see who might be the smartest.
Then it happened... boredom set in and the cuties got antsy. First they played chase. Then they began pacing back and forth and finding new places to sit. Then they danced a bit--ballet meets bring it on. Then I heard a remix of music lyrics that caught me by surprise.
We're going on a trip...
Watch me nae nae, watch me whip...
Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins...
I grabbed my throat (so that I wouldn't spit out my drink) and leaned back to listen more intently... and they sang it again. I thought to myself... well that is different... then I hear... "stop singing that" (from a mom).
Let me say this... If your children can understand the words that come out of your mouth, there is a good chance that some of those words will flow from theirs at the most inopportune times. Somebody that those cuties spent time with apparently was a fan of the song Watch Me. Bonus points for whomever decided to mix it with the Little Einstein song.
But seriously, watch your words and your actions around children. They determine what is socially acceptable by observing what they see around them. Luckily those cuties were exposed to songs that were just about having fun. However, I'm confident that somewhere there is a group of children lacing potty words to the Little Einstein song.
Personally, I find humor in odd circumstances. Almost anything (legal) may be acceptable in the appropriate settings. However, some things should not be repeated, reenacted, or rendered.
When you are around impressionable little people, take a few minutes to think about your actions.
- Would you want them to repeat your words?
- Would you want them to demonstrate your behavior?
- Would you want someone to write it down or video it?
While you are thinking about your responses... Might I suggest that you go to the internet and explore the Little Einstein trap remix. Rev it up now!