Food, Shelter and Minimal Clothing (part 1)
I have a few philosophies about parenting. I believe that I should provide my children all of what is needed and some of what is wanted. I also believe that their job is to always do their best (even in Math). I'm also not into corporal punishment except in the case of thwarting an activity that could prevent future pain--such as reaching for the stove (hands tapped) or running off in any situation (legs tapped). I also prefer removing a child from a situation (removal) rather than punishment for most indiscretions. Removal brings me such joy and it offers an opportunity for me to chastise the offending child. Here are a few examples of how removal has brought me joy.
Television Time--On one occasion, a child opted to watch way to much television. After some investigation, I learned that said child was waking up after bed-time and watching the television with the volume very low into the wee hours of the morning. The child looked terrible when it was time for school and the grades reflected it. At the time, having a television was a privilege which the younger siblings had not yet achieved. So as a reward for the smaller ones following directions, I removed the television from the addicted child's bedroom and moved it into the smaller siblings' room. When they got the television, they ran to their older sibling and announced "Guess what, mom bought us a television!!!" The look on the TV bandit's face--priceless.
Cell Phone--For all of the joy that my children bring me, they kinda make me mad when they don't behave well outside of the home. I have a pre-teen, my friend Christy calls her Stitch, who is basically a hot mess. Her dad says it all went downhill when she got braces and her teeth started to straighten out. At the beginning of each school year, she gets into trouble. All of that sleeping during the summer gets her confused when school starts--to much daylight, awake time and interaction with people. On one occasion, I had a teacher call me (said teacher has called me more than once as of today) to let me know that she had caused a scene in class. OMG... Stitch, you must have lost your mind. When she returned home from school, I gave her until 8pm to text, snapchat, etc. all of her friends to let them know she was punished. To add to this, if said friends tried to contact her by any means other than the house phone (including my cell or the cell's of her siblings), her punishment would be extended by one day per attempted contact. It was the best punishment ever. She cracked after 10 days. I loved it!!! I gave her the phone back on the 11th day due to an impending road trip and my desire for quiet. Those were the best 10 days ever!