Are You Ready For Football Season
Like many fans across the country, Thursday and Friday nights will see me in the stands.
With few exceptions, recreational and school football happen on a field outside, in the elements. So one must be prepared for almost anything. Here is a quick list of items to have on hand during this cool weather season.
Stadium Chairs -- Not everyone needs cushion or back support. However, if you do, having a simple stadium chair can help you avoid a bought of sciatica in the morning. Unless you are one of those active fans who stands and jumps a lot, three hours of sitting will wear on you.
Ice Chest -- If you arrive an hour or so before the game, you may face some tough issues. The concession stand is probably not going to have chili cheese fries ready when you get there. To avoid a hangry episode, pack some snacks and drinks into an ice chest and enjoy.
Blankets -- Many people love football weather. Many do not. Pack a couple or three blankets for every game. When the temps dip into the sixties, the night air could be chilly. Plus, your kid (s) won't bring a sweatshirt and will try to take your blanket.
Twenty Dollar Bills -- The real reason that I go to football games willingly is because of the snacks. They serve up treats that I don't get to eat from November to August. Bring some cash and enjoy popcorn, nachos, starbursts or whatever else makes you smile.
Raincoat -- Once you graduate to high school football, the game goes on come rain or shine. If you're a true fan, you don't fold-up your chair when the drizzle begins. Nope, you break out your poncho. If the players can stand the rain, so can you.
Umbrella*-- A raincoat protects better with an umbrella. Anything more than a light drizzle calls for over head protection. Be warned, the folks on the side of you may become cozy. Try not to block anyone's view with your canopy.
Bug Spray -- Here in the South, mosquitoes are with us year round. Once the veil of night is upon us, those little blood suckers come around to feast on the hundreds of people in attendance. Also, beware those giant beetles that fly into those bright lights.
Sunblock -- If you will be attending a game on a Saturday, chances are that it will be in the early morning or mid-afternoon. Both times are outside of peak sun exposure times, however, the rays will definitely be enough to cause sun burn. Protect your skin from damaging rays. *an umbrella may be used to provide personal shade
Towels -- Towels may serve many purposes including as a seat cushion. However, if the seat is wet from rain, foot prints, or spilled drink, a towel will most certainly serve as a drying tool. The only thing worse than being rained on is sitting in a big pile of wetness.
Plastic Liners -- Grab a plastic table liner from the dollar store and keep it handy. If there is heavy rain before kick-off, your towels will likely not suck up all of the water. Swipe off the water as best you can, dry up the moisture with a towel, cover with a liner and be seated.
Since my favorite season is summer, I make it through football season with my beach tote. All of the items listed above (not the ice chest) fit nicely into a big bag. Once you're all packed up, toss in some hand sanitizer and plastic bags just in case the unexpected happens.