At Land And At Sea
My friend Cat insists that when one travels to a newish place, you must experience something that expands your knowledge base. I, on the other hand, would prefer to nap and drink cocktails. When traveling with friends and family, compromise is in order.
When I go on vacation, I don't really want to learn anything. Between the time that I spend on-the-job and on my own time researching stuff, I want to do absolutely nothing when I go on vacation except relax. However, it's hard to explain to your kids why you're taking a road trip five hours away from home and sleeping in a hotel room. That is where the theme park comes in.
Though I am not a swimmer, I like attractions that involve water. Since our family vacation happens in late July, early August, water attractions help make 95 degrees with 100% humidity seem less hot. Sea World happens to be one of my favorite spots. Every inch of the place provides opportunity for fun. It also provides opportunities to learn new things and meet new people. And, you can get really, really wet if you try hard enough.
Typically, souvenirs are not high on my list of shopping requirements. However, when the kids were little, we spent time in gift shops. They usually grabbed a stuffed animal or a toy -- none of which they usually played with past the car ride home. I on the other hand, grabbed a mug from the gift shop on one trip over ten years ago. I continue to use it to this day.
My Sea World mug is perfect. It is just an over-priced, over-sized mug with a print of Shamu on the front. It is shiny and red. When I use my mug, I think back to when my kiddos were little. Two were in strollers, the middle daughter was barely out of one, and the oldest was almost a preteen. All sweaty and cheesing and smiling. Every time that I drink from my mug, I think of how my family has grown and hope for continued growth and prosperity as my munchkins transform into young, independent adults.