The Capable Day Drinker

As summer vacation season ends, so goes the one part of it that many look forward to--day drinking. That’s right, day drinking is that which happens after breakfast and before the sun’s beams lose their strength. Somewhere between 10am and 6pm, day drinking occurs.
If the idea of a leisurely day filled with unlimited umbrella drinks brings you joy, you might be ready to give day drinking a go. (Note to self: don’t drink them all) On the other hand, if your weekends already include three adult beverages--one for breakfast, lunch and dinner--you no doubt already wear the badge of capable day drinker.
If you’re not ready, it’s okay. Day drinking is definitely not for the faint of heart or for the weak of stomach. First, you have to look good when you do it. Please do not day drink when you feel bad about yourself. Day drinkers don’t consume beverages to drown their sorrows, they do it because they like it. Get up, get dressed, look good, then you may begin. Second, do not drink to get drunk. Slurred speech, weak legs and puke are not the signs of a capable day drinker. Third, day drinking should be done only when there is little chance of leaving the starting location in a motorized vehicle or when there is a responsible DD available. If you must, walk with caution and be sure to have a mostly sober friend with you.
Now that you know the first three rules of day drinking, let’s look at a few tips that can help you earn your badge.
- Avoid “heavy drinking”
- But consume enough to help your cholesterol levels
- Identify your drink of choice*
- Breakfast--bloody mary
- Lunch--pinot grigio
- Dinner--margarita
*note… not everyone can mix their liquors
Or be loyal to one liquor… vodka is a great choice
Please, think twice about drinking these before dark…
- Tequila (with experience... maybe)
- Whiskey
- Gin (proceed with caution)
- A 40 ounce
- Wine from the big box
- Martinis are dandy anytime
- Fruity drinks are the devil
- Do not overdo the chocolatey drinks
If you plan to day drink, you must look good… you must know your limits… you must be responsible. Most importantly, if you plan to wear the Capable Day Drinker badge, you must enjoy your drinks with a level head and a smile. Always remember that day drinking is something that many aspire to do well. However, many will fail and no doubt have shameful stories to tell.